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Oeiras, Portugal
Aluno e Professor. Sempre aluno.

terça-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2011


«With Nietzsche, however, the categories of analysis began to dissolve. The "forms" which Hegel found in history, no less than the "laws" found by Marx, were defined by Nietzsche as nothing but fictions, products of the poetic imagination, more or less useful or convenient for the living of  a particular kind of life, but in no way adequate to the discovery of the truth of human life. For Nietzsche, full authority for determining which "forms" and which "laws" will be treated as if they are the "truth" is vested in the sovereign ego or will, which admits no law except its own life interests or will to power. Nietzsche even dissolved the distinction between the Comic and the Tragic kinds: the conventional Ironic kind, which teaches resignation to "things as they are"; and the new, Comic, Apollonian-Dionysiac kind, which teaches a radical overcoming of all situations in the service of the life force alone. In short, Irony is assimilated to Tragedy, and Tragedy to Comedy, in such a way as to make the distinctions between them inconsequential, in the same way that the distinctions among science, philosophy, and poetry are dissolved by their progressive assimilation to the last-named.»

Hayden White, Metahistory, The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe

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